
Friday, April 5, 2013


Childrens Birthdays are overrated. I believe it's something to celebrate amongst main intermediate family. I believe it's selfish to throw huge lavish birthdays for children. It's full of competitiveness and far too expensive. They're only thrown just so their kids can get a lot of gifts. Some people say; " but it brings all the family together, that we don't see too often." Okay, so these people you don't see, are feeling obligated to go, and bring a gift. That's what family reunions or get togethers are for. If you want to see people you haven't seen in years, YOU take the time to go and see them. I've thrown a couple of big birthdays, but I learned, that with the 300-500 spent on a birthday party that's not guaranteed to be a big hit, and is a waste of money. I could've put that money for a vacation that my child would enjoy more or buy a better gift, put it in savings. The only time I hear from "friends" is when they need gifts for their kids birthdays. I will no longer throw big birthdays for my kids. I haven't in a long while. I didn't even throw my 1 year old a birthday, because we were in Disney world, which is WAY better then any birthday. I'd rather put the money to throw an awesome children's halloween party for my kids so they can invite their friends and cousins. The parents don't have to feel obligated to bring a gift. It's all about having fun! That's my thoughts on birthdays!

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